6 REGULATED FUNCTIONS 145 a ,f h —-, a -f (A + 1) —- (Q^h^n - 2) **""*""* i /*!"""™" i I and have in each such interval a derivative equal to I or to 1; prove that the distance of any two distinct elements of Mn { is > 2/(// 1). Similarly, consider the subset Mfl of Mrt consisting of the 2W ' functions of M« which are equal to x a in the interval [«, w)///K and for each function //1 Mi, consider the set of all functions /< K such that //(,,v) (2/«) ^f(x) «)//• is not an integer.) 6. REGULATED FUNCTIONS Let I be an interval in R, of origin a and extremity h (a or h or both may be infinite), F a Banach space, We say that a mapping / of I into F is a step-function if there is an increasing finite sequence (A^O^^W of points of 1 (closure of I in K) such that .v(> •« a> \\ = h, and that /is constant in each of the open intervals ],Y/ , x{ n [ (0 < / < n - 1 ). For any mapping / of 1 into F* and any point A* € I distinct from A, we say that /has a limit on the right if lim f(y) exists; we then write the y* l, y limit /( .v +). Similarly we define for each point A" el distinct from a, the limit on the left of /at A*, which we write /(A*—); we also say these limits are one-sided limits of/. A mapping/of 1 into F is called a regulated function if it has one-sided limits at every point of I, It is clear that any step-function is regulated, (7,6,1) In order that a mapping f of a compact Interval I «= [a, h] into ₯ he regulated* a necexmry ami sufficient condition is that f he the limit of a uniformly convergent sequence of stcp-functlonx, (a) Necessity, For every integer n, and every .vel, there is an open interval VOv) ^ ]>!*:), r(A*)[ containing A\ such that lljfa) ~/(r)|| < 1/w if either both $, / are in ].v(.vX **[ n I or both in ].v, r(-v)[ n I. (''over I with a finite number of intervals V(A*J), and let (^)(}^;»:m be the strictly increasing sequence consisting of the points a* IK xt, y(xt) and z(.V|). As each cj is in some V(.t|), cj f, | is either in the same V(.v/) or we have Cj M « z(A*f), for J < w - 1; in other words If s^t are both in the same interval ]c^cjn[% then II/CO **/(0|| < 1/w. Now define gn as the step-function equal to / at the points Cj, and at the midpoint of each interval Jfy, fyfit* and constant in each of these intervals. It is clear that ||/~#J < I//*. ); show that if v (resp. H') is finite ut one point *» »it is